Motivated by the increasingly urgent demands for delivering fresh information, the age-of-information (AoI) has recently been introduced as an important metric for evaluating the timeliness performance of information update systems and has shed light on a number of research studies. Nevertheless, the most common goal of the existing works does not characterize the value of information freshness from the users’ perspective. In this paper, we introduce the concept of effective AoI (EAoI) to quantify the freshness of the information users utilize for decision-making. We consider a general request-response model, which captures both proactive information update and timely information delivery, for investigating the scheduling problem with respect to EAoI minimization. By decomposing the scheduling problem into multiple computationally tractable subproblems, we propose request-aware scheduling policies for stationary and non-stationary request models, respectively. The numerical results show that serving users’ requests proactively can reduce time-average EAoI in both scenarios.